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A template to save the forms

Posted on marzo 24, 2010 by Excel Pedro Wave

To shape the content of a document in a text editor, a presentation, a spreadsheet or a blog, templates or page layouts   are used, similar to molds that are the shoes manufactured with, but in the context of user-oriented applications.

Continuing the analogy, programmers are like shoemakers who formerly did not use a mold for making craft but, as technology advanced, affluent customers are taking steps of their feet, as in tailoring, obtaining custom patterns to make the suits to the lords and, finally, industries as textile and shoes came to the conclusion that they had to do large print runs using standardized templates, with which it is very hard to be everyone's taste, but allowing many customers many different shapes at low cost in large-scale economy.

Returning to the computer area, when developing a program or a website to interact with users of applications, you should ponder what will be the optimum design pattern, not to mention the cost/benefit. The structures of patterns or templates should standardize the appearance of the application to be friendly and easily recognizable by the user when opening the program or website.

The first attempt to apply the concept of interaction patterns in the design of user interfaces was due to Ward Cunningham (WikiWikiWeb creator, a wiki «the simplest online database that could possibly work») and Kent Beck (one of the creators of the agile methodology for software development) who created five of the first interface patterns: Window per task, Few panes, Standard panes, Nouns and verbs, y Short Menu.

The user interfaces patterns attempt to define the best ways to build human-computer interfaces (HCI - Human-Computer Interaction, GUI - Graphical User Interface).

A special case of the user interface are blogs like this that are edited with specific templates in the world of bloggers publishers. The templates for blogs are documents containing design guidelines pre-coded user-friendly. These templates are programmed in HTML and JavaScript code, usually using CSS (Cascading Style Sheets), can be modified in most cases by the users and tailored to their needs or tastes.

They are shaping the articles, entries or post, which is publishing bloggers, framing the typographical and journalistic style you wish to give to your blog, also known as weblog, that is, a daily on the Web.

Today the question is: how to choose the perfect theme for a blog

For this blog I used a template that has the best of both worlds: Blogger and Wordpress. The first is easy and flexible, the second is more professional and has the header page very carefully.

What I was looking for my blog were issues such as:
a) The main page with a small gallery of blog posts views.
b) Two columns on the main page to make it bilingual, English-Spanish.
c) The column on the right side with labels, archiving and visits.
d) Permanent pages with entries in a single column.
e) Easy navigation through blog pages.
f) Predominantly blue colors, referring to ocean waves.

The template or theme chosen is called Chucky (download here) 3 columns and magazine style, initially as a top theme for Wordpress, redesigned to Blogger by Anshul y ritesh.

With a few changes in the header image, in the background color and the size of miniature slide has become what you see, what do you think? Be sure to read it because it will improve...

Not forgot that the templates can always be changed!

Traducción al español aquí.

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